Resilience and the will to survive, that’s what’s sexy this week!
Covid-19 has gripped the world in a state of panic riddled with anxiety and fear. Many are overwhelmed with thoughts of desperation and despair with no way out. Many are lost in thoughts of what to do, how to do it, and is it the right thing to do?
I’m no stranger, and very guilty of all of the afore mentioned trying to formulate my own way out. I’m equally lost, but still find myself antsy to move on, and find my direction. A direction to be honest I don’t know what is.
I think a lot, and get lost in those thoughts of doom and gloom, with no way out. I’ve read and listened to a lot of close friends caught up in the relative conspiracy theories. Friends I believe got, and are getting lost in many of the contradictory stories of who did what, why, and how, with that proverbial no way out. However none of these theories I’ve read allude to or even hint at a rational a solution. And why? They are conspiracies, theories that make you truly think, and for me, not get lost in them.
My attempts to shake up my friends from these thoughts, friends who are glamoured, I feel are lost. I ask them “but, what are you doing?” “how are you dealing with this?”. Questions that I believe are meant to focus on the positive. Yet, the response is always confusion and radical, confused solutions.
What to do?

I always find myself stepping back and taking a deep breath, a drink when permitting and direct my thoughts to those of something creative.
It’s never easy, and I know that, but here in this hot bed of talent I call home, Vancouver, so many of my friends have figured it out. The resilience and will to survive, even if that means thinking outside of their box to adapt and survive.
We aren’t all creative in the traditional sense, yes I know that, but creativity comes in many forms. It’s all how you interpret! Creative in art, life, love, happiness, business, finance, health and wellness, sex, sexuality, basically lifestyle.