The Beautiful Colours of Springtime, That’s What’s Sexy This Week

The beautiful colours of springtime, that’s what’s sexy this week.
I’m an old punk rocker from way back. Goth, alternative, new age, new wave, but one thing that was consistent was my trade mark black. My black wardrobe from head to toe! It made me feel strong and confident, slim and sexy, and it looked cool! It still makes me feel all those things, and I know I look good in black, and I know, I wear it well. Trust me there is nothing like sexy black and I still love to wear it.
However, over the last 10 years or so, for reasons I have no answers to, I started to introduce colours into my wardrobe. Beautiful colours to reflect my ever changing emotions, passions, and personality. Colours that are also a reflection of the ever changing seasons that we have in this beautiful country I call home, Canada.
As I’ve written before, I find it interesting how the fashion world for the most part dictates when colours are to be worn, keeping the darker months dark and the brighter months bright. I wear what I want and when I want, all year long, and not because someone tells me to or that it is written in a book somewhere as gospel, but because……I……want….to!
How about you?
Springtime, when the plants and flowers are bursting alive with life and vibrant colour. Attitudes are uplifted, moods elevated, and passions alive. Spring has sprung, as it always does, each and every year.
What a better time to be uplifted if you aren’t the rest of the year. Time to celebrate, dress it up, live it up, love life. Get out in the open air and take it all in, breathe it, see it, be it. Put on the clothes, do your hair and make-up the way you want with bright vivid options.
Go on do it, uplift yourself with the beautiful colours of springtime, I am!