Lip Prints

Lip prints left behind for all to enjoy!
The application of lipstick truly is an art form. Luscious lips enhanced in vivid sensual colours to enlarge, define and captivate curious onlookers are all the rage world wide. Well maybe not the “rage”, but certainly a fashion statement that for those in the know are worn well for all the right reasons.
Reasons of my own, but reasons surely shared by the many who adorn those beautiful lips, and certainly those who adore them. Yes I’ve written about painted lips before, and I know I’ll be doing it again and again. Musings that don’t tell the average person who “get’s it” to think twice about it, but rather hopefully encourage those that don’t.
There’s something primal about pouty lips, the frame to the orifice of the face that can bark an order, coo commands, or whisper sweet nothings. The delicate frame that starts off with the drawing of a gentle line of colour from outside corner to outside corner. Accentuating already pouty lips, or enhancing the weak. Using lipstick to paint between those lines, and in my case, always in my case, the slathering of gloss for that added punch.
In the flesh? Simply mesmerizing, but lip prints left behind?!
An even greater lasting impression for those blessed with the pleasure of glimpsing the imprinted rim of a glass. Stamped like a badge of honour, left behind for the thought inclined to foster a fantasy about who those lips belonged too, the personality attached, and the stories they tell.
Prints of desire, intrigue, and possibly of disgust, and none the less, lip prints that command attention. Yes, I write not only of my own thoughts, but those of the many others who’ve dared to let go and dream beyond those stains, evocative, provocative, and beautiful thoughts.
I love to see the residue cosmetic that once enhanced a set of lips. I always see it, as though i somehow know where to look, call it sixth sense. Next time you’re out and about, look around you for that tell tale smudge of colour and let your imagination run wild.
It’s not unlike that of a finger print, layered and loaded with hidden stories.
Lip prints left behind for all to enjoy!