Fleshlight’s Freak Series and Zombie Dildo’s Just in Time For Hallowe’en and Beyond

Since Halloween is just around the corner, my favourite time of the year, I thought it would be the ideal post to celebrate All Hallow’s Eve in sexy wacky style. Let me remind you that Wacky Wednesday was created to showcase all things wacky in the world of sex toys, and we know there is a lot. However Wacky Wednesday has also grown to include the “wild and wondrous” of the internet, showcasing creations I find in my travels in cyber land, in case you were wondering.
As a sex toy reviewer, why not? After all it is halloween and people don’t stop fucking just cause they are handing out candy do they? I only hope they are not doing both at the same time!
A few years back the creators at Fleshlight came up with the idea of making “Zombie Dildos”. I loved the idea, hell they even had a series, but it seems for some unknown reason the deadly delight no longer exists as a product. I did however find a great review, in vivid detail of the rotting stiff you’ll be sure to enjoy over at Kinky Kitten. Hopefully if enough readers write and ask, one can hope that Fleshlght will resurrect the undead dick, and find it back on store shelves soon!
However, Fleshlight is not one to disappoint, they also have in their product list, the super cool Freaks collection of masturbators for the deviant at heart. Made of their high-quality mineral oil and rubber polymers, protected by a series of U.S. patents the Freaks boast 5 ghoulish colours. As a side note, the Fleshlight material also does not contain phthalates. Phthalates are mainly used as plasticizers—substances added to plastics to increase their flexibility, durability, and longevity.
The names say it all; Alien, Cyborg, Drac, Frankenstein, Predator, Reapor, and my faves, Zombie Lady and Zombie Mouth. Just pic your passion, or poison pussy, and get to work tricking and treating with your choice of interior.
If your worried about discretion, the company offers privacy protection, discrete billing, and discrete shipping right to your front door! Of course this is only the tip of the iceberg as to what else Fleshlight offers. You only have to browse the site to see all the goodies.
They also give the 5 top reasons to buy a Flashlight reprinted here for your consideration.
1)You’re in control.
Whenever you want, however you like, the Fleshlight sexual gratification alternative is there to fulfill your sexual fantasies and meet your desires.
2) Nothing is closer to the real thing.
Our soft, pliable, non-vibrating SuperSkin sleeve has been designed to provide the most realistic intercourse simulation known to man.
3) Improve stamina & performance.
Whether you’re a real Casanova or just a rookie to the game, there is always room for improvement. Test your skills, practice new techniques, and test how long you can last in one of our specially designed inserts, created for maximum sensation.
4) Practice safe sex.
The Fleshlight was created, in part, to address the risks associated with promiscuity, the spread of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), and unwanted pregnancy. Whether you’re having trouble finding a safe partner or waiting for the right one to come along, the Fleshlight offers a safe and satisfying means for expressing your sexuality.
5) Lifetime of pleasure.
With proper use and care, the Fleshlight will last you a lifetime. If only it were that easy with real sexual partners.
I’m not so sure about these top 5’s but hey who am I to judge?
Happy Halloween