Body Dysmorphia For This Week’s Tidbits

Recently I was accused of having body dysmorphia “issues”.
Wikipedia classifies Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental disorder characterized by an obsessive preoccupation that some aspect of one’s own appearance is severely flawed and warrants exceptional measures to hide or fix it.[1] In BDD’s delusional variant, the flaw is imagined.[2] If the flaw is actual, its importance is severely exaggerated.[2] Either way, one’s thoughts about it are pervasive and intrusive, occupying up to several hours a day.
and the definition goes on……..
Let’s just say that I thought the statement was somewhat humorous, and a completely stupid accusation!
For those that know me, and those that know me well that the statement is so far from the truth I just don’t know where to begin refuting it, so much so that I won’t. What strikes me is the need for these types of individuals to get in my face and declare they know me better than my own self. If we look at Wikipedia’s definition closely and that of other classifications, it would suggest that I spend hours a day occupying my time over what I construe as flaws, again I cannot begin to start where this is so wrong!
My day starts by getting up, having breakfast, heading to the gym, and then getting dressed to tackle the rest. I knew and know what I didn’t like about myself, and I got on with correcting those issues, not obsessing to the point of being able to function. I do my maintenance regimes, eat right, take care of of my health, and if need be, have a few “treatments” here and there. I’ve worked at my appearance, and I’m rather proud of it! I made the decisions, I did the work, did what I wanted, and at 52 I think I’ve got it down pat for what the rest of what my life looks like.
What I do want to present here is the general tone and attitude of the individual that made the statement to me, and I’m going to say this, an attitude of jealousy and laziness. In this instance I considered the source, and it wasn’t pretty! Call me shallow, call me esoteric, call me a bitch, but honey, effort is required by everyone to look how you want! Again taking the words of Helena Rubinstein; “There are no ugly women, just lazy ones!” and how right she was. This statement so profound, even applies to the men out there.
Everyone I know does something to themselves for their own particular reasons, and that’s what makes them individuals, unique and beautiful unto themselves, which is for the most part why I LOVE all the people I know.
People getting tattooed, pierced, branded, augmented, reduced, cosmetically treated, working out at the gym, hair done, make-up used, clothes bought, it all plays into appearances, appearances I relish and support.
It made me wonder, does this individual say anything to those outside of my world, the world of the gender variant, transgender, transsexual, non-binary groupings? For some reason I believe they don’t, that would be to easy, and it would play on stereotyping, and isn’t that what this person just did to me? Me as a woman with a transsexual medical history, I was just stereotyped for wanting to look a certain way?
I look how I crafted myself, no one told me how to look or be, and in the end the statement made me laugh to myself and think, quite frankly, go fuck yourself! I’m happy with what I’m doing and where I’m going and no one will tell me different.
How’s that for a little rant?