Tidbits: On The Rise

Advice is something I am always being asked to give, and if not, I am usually giving it of my own free will, well, because that’s just me. I am not a doctor, counsellor, or other, but given my life experience, one would think I am all of them given the amount of questions of an intimate nature that come my way!
On the top of my list are questions from men about, well theirs DICKS! Questions of all kinds, and my healthy readers can just imagine what some of them might be, I definitely don’t need to fill you in on that. For the sake of argument and discussion I’ll prove my point.
Questions like;
It’s not as hard as when I was 18, what am I doing wrong? My load is really small what can I do? Is playing with myself good for me? I like to wear tight women’s panties, will that prevent me from getting hard? After an hour of sex I cum to fast, what am I doing wrong? I get really chapped after I jerk off, why?
Yep, the questions are pretty diverse, but for the most part, it’s about the plumbing, not the psychological. When answering I am usually pretty blunt in my responses, and for the reason that I am trying to find out, if these guys are jerking my chain in hopes of a SKYPE chat to try and convince me to show my breasts as I consult as the topless therapist. Now theres a concept!
Being blunt I’ve found is the greatest tool in shutting things down when I’ve determined that their ploy has become a little to transparent.
I usually call them out on their shit, or tell them that consulting is how I make some of my money and that my services will run you $75 CDN payable through my Paypal account (insert the sound of wind, dust and tumble weeds). Yes it’s pretty dry on Paypal when it comes to this, but I don’t care, it’s a great way to weed out the jokers from the serious enquiries.
But guys? Fear not, I am happy to share with you in my own personal way the answers that I keep short and sweet to the above questions about that second brain in your pants, that springs to life all to often.
It’s not as hard as when I was 18, what am I doing wrong?
You’re not fucking 18 anymore, things slow down and like all machines do not run the way they used to when brand new. Ask yourself, are you healthy, do you eat right, exercise, get enough sleep? Whats your age? Or are you up partying your brains out wired on booze and MDMA? Then of course things aren’t going to work as well. I suggest you take your time and learn how to deal with the aging process and explore new techniques and pleasures, you’ll probably like it a lot more!
My load is really small what can I do?
STOP jerking off so much, let it build up and if that’s not the case, talk to your doctor or adjust your eating habits. I am sure it will get better.
Is playing with myself good for me?
Only you can answer that, if it feels good, why not? It relieves stress, helps a person sleep, a multitude of reasons why it is good for you, and an internet search will provide you with all the answers you need.
I like to wear tight women’s panties, will that prevent me from getting hard?
Isn’t that why you are wearing them?
After an hour of sex I cum to fast, what am I doing wrong?
You’ve been having sex for an hour, I think you are doing pretty damn good already, let it flow!
I get really chapped after I jerk off, why?
A masturbation creme comes to mind, such as STROKE 29, either that or you may be spanking it for just to long. Don’t you have laundry to do?
What a lot of men need to do is step back and take stock of some aspects, like age for starters. Yes it is a factor in determining how hard you’ll get, how erect, for how long, how it feels, and how it responds. As we all age things change within our physiology, things don’t work quite the way they used, nor do they respond the same, it’s just the way it is and we are all destined to it.
No you won’t have the same feelings you did as an 18 year old or like the time when you first orgasmed, it’s going to be different each and every time. Now rather than seek out that feeling from long ago why not move forward onto the next new feeling? Explore, grow, and yes you will have certain things that you will like as general stimuli but there are other things out there will get you just as hot, breathing new life into Mr Peter.
Lastly if it is something more, I can refer you to good therapist or I urge you to seek out a good doctor in your area that listens, if yours doesn’t already!