Wacky Wednesday: Alien Egg Laying Sex Dildo

Yes for many of us we have a fixation on aliens and all things other worldly from outer space. We have art, movies, stories fact or fiction, themes, and industrial design out the yin-yang, so it goes without saying that it was just a matter of time that the fixation on things sexual with aliens would rear it’s colourful head.
Depictions in art, in all forms and mediums, furniture, costume, and hot hot erotica. Well now you have it in the form of an egg laying dildo. I am not sure where this lovely one comes from but I have a funny feeling it comes from my favourite freaky assed designers at Bad Dragon, where you’ll find just about anything that tickles your fancy, both inside and out, up and down, and round about.
This baby looks like it designed to lay an egg as though you are being impregnated by an alien. I cant find any literature, but the way t is described, well that about says it all.
Have a look, you may just find yourself doing a bit of shopping. I did!