Sexy This Week; Sex, Clean & Sober

Let me start off by pointing out that I am no angel! Especially when it comes to having had my fair share of mind and body altering substances in the context of being social, or for extended periods of “boot knocking action”, I am NO angel! However in the past few years, lets say five for the sake of argument, I’ve been seeing and hearing a shift from folks regarding the type of sex they are having. Sex that I am indulging in as well, sex that is clean & sober, and that’s what’s sexy this week.
Indulging in the past-time usage of mind and body altering substances for extended periods of sexual activity is something done by many.
Minute after minute, hour after hour, sometimes day after day, but at a certain point it starts to get sloppy, greasy, and sleazy, and not the good kind of sleazy. Just like the over consumption of alcohol, that liquid courage that soon becomes dulled senses, blurred vision, and slurred speech, combined with fumbled actions for a healthy round of sloppy drunk seconds.
With senses dulled, it begs the questions;
Did you really feel anything at all, and if you did was it really that good? What if your senses weren’t dulled, numbed to perfection? What if quality over quantity, meaning time spent was what you are after? Is a 4 hour session of “passion” a fair exchange for feeling like death warmed over for days after, what you are after?
Senses alive, able to see, smell, taste, touch, hear, a mind and body able to remember. Remember the touch, the tingle, the taste and feel of sweat. Feel heart beats elevated! Smell the scent of bodies enveloped with the intoxicating smell of desire. Feel the warmth of bodies enmeshed in passionate throes, or gentle explorations. Watch bodies moving, faces of ecstasy.
Try it, qualitative, passionate sex, sex that is clean and sober. Sex that is raw, raunchy, and beautiful. Sex that is energizing for days after. Clean, sober, sex!