
Sexy This Week; Arteries

Hand arteries

They bulge, pulse, pop, and spread far and wide. Veins and arteries are the highways of the body that distribute the blood where it needs to go. For those of you that don’t know, veins for the most part carry the deoxygenated blood back to the heart, while arteries for their part, carry the oxygenated blood away from the heart supplying the needs of the body with this vital nutrient rich, sexy red liquid. There is a reason they use “blood red” to make descriptions about colour choices in design!

Arteries, the muscular of the two, are mostly what we see situated closer to the surface of the skin that pulse in front of our very own eyes in an effort to keep up with the daily demands of the human body. Blood that keeps the muscles functioning at their optimal levels functions needed for maintaining strength, vitality, and endurance. (more…)